Saturday, 9 July 2016

What is a Farang ????

This is a word you will hear alot, and I mean alot if dating someone from Thailand.
Farang is a generic Thai term to describe a person from outside of Thailand with white skin.
Some think it is a bad word but really it is no different to being called an Aussie, Kiwi, German, French, etc.... It is just a Thai term for a white person.
I was a little skeptical when I first stared dating a Thai girl, but I grew to accept it for what it is and after hearing it so many times it was great to know that after visiting Thailand, if you hear that word within earshot then it probably means someone is talking about you !!
Farang can sort of be categorized into many types but at the end of the day, a farang is a farang.
Some Thai see a farang as an open wallet or bank ATM machine so be smart and think. Enough said there.
So thats it.... A farang is you, me, the person next to you or your parents... it is anyone from outside of Thailand with white appearance. Don't think too much about it ;)

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